Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hello, it have been a while since last time.But things happen (and do not happen at the same time!) and and there is not much to do about it. Since last tiem i have managed to get injured during training, getting a new turtle, working & i have tried to make myself busy and not being so much home. Have i succeeded? Well, partially at least.

Where shall i start? Injuries i think. Exactly three weeks ago today i fall during full-contact traing..and injured my knee. The "funny" thing was that it was not during playing....but when i fell and tried to land safely. How typical of me. I could not work for 4 days. And no traing for over 2 weeks. I did go to the hospital for x-ray..and at least the was no fracture. I started traing a little this monday, and i have gotten a lot better since then...but it still i have to be careful. Hopefully it is gone soon! :)

Now, the turtle story. My new turle is a celebrity ;) They found him under the ice in on eof the rivers north of Umeå a few months ago..he was on the headline in the local newspaper ;) Marianne at Atlantis aquarium suggestet that i should get in touch with Holmsund Naturehistorical Museum (about a mile south of Umeå) to see if the have gotten any turtles that people had given to them. And i got ther famous one ;) Just one problem..i had decided to buy a female...and had alreday given her a name. Faye (after you-know who;) ).
But my friend Anna from Stockholm simply INSISTED that she should be called Sibel.And since she is a very "persuative ;)" person we agreed that Faye-Sibel should be the official name. Then i found out the it was a Faye-Sibel is now offical a transvestite...haha..that is compromise for you !

Also i have found myself a sport to follow when football is off-season: Floorball. Keeps the abstinence away..haha.So i spend some time watchinmg the is good to have someting to do..not just training and being home in front of the comp ;)

Now what i have been listening to lately:
Minor Threat: Complete Discography
Marduk: Panzer Division Marduk
Juno Reactor: The Bible of Dreams
Mayhem: De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Björk: Medúlla

And offcourse there have been a lot of Jasmin "Blümchen" Wagner !

Until next time, take care.