Friday, September 30, 2005

For which i have been blessed!!

.....LISEN IS BACK! God how i have missed her. First the e-mailreply from Karolina, now this...i am truly a lucky man these days! Nothing much to add, really.

Lift me a hand, i´m just a person.

THIS SUCKS! Still sick..but had to go downtown. I am going to get lenses...hehe. And picked up my bike. And add to that, that i promised to help Kristoffer (from work) to help moving. Boy am i going to be beat tomorrow, even without the workout.

But as we say in Norrland "he e bara o bit ihop". Roughly translated to "one just have to keep going".

I wonder of there is some finnish blood in me after all...i seem to have Sisu ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Oh joy!

When i got home last night, after work..i found a mail (reply) from Karolina Westberg in my inbox. That was the best thing that have happened to me since i do not know when...a really long time ago.
Thank you Karolina, you are the best! *smiles*

I seems that have gotten a least a sore throat, so i cannot workout :/
But whatever..right now i am SO happy anyway! And everything else is of no importance whatsoever :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wouldn´t you miss me?

Today i have a splitting headache...only Syd Barrett seems to be able to do something about it. Listening to his best-of album.

See you all.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Zum kotzen!

So, what have happened..nothing much really. Still got some muscleache from fridays workout ;)

I have been eating pizza..probably for the last time in a VERY long time..just fat, fat, fat and FAT! I feel almost ill.

Going to try to call Sofia..again...have been unsuccessful for 3 weeks. This sucks.

Today is rather short in terms of blogging...back again tomorrow..with vengeance i hope!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

smrt za smrt

SWEDEN WON!!!!!! Beat the crap out of Belo Russia. And other than that i had a great time going back and forth. And Evelina managed to get there too. good company, a good game..ehat else does one need? The only downer was that the photos i took with my cellphone were crap! The pics were too small :/ Somehow i must have changed the settings...damn!
I got some really good pictures of Marklund, Sjögran, Schelin and Lindahl. And also from the game. But it all went down the drain :( Next time i will make sure that it does not happens again!

But, the hour is late and i gotta sleep! But stay tuned for more worldshaking news ;)

Friday, September 23, 2005

Mashed legs, please!

Todays workout was really you can guess from the title of todays index ;) I really felt i went forward with the training today, great progress!

At work we had a cleaningday = not much production = very relaxed tempo...great!

I had to workout alone, AGAIN! I am getting sick of this. I am seriously thinking about joining the local American Football team (Westerbotten Huskies), to train with them.I take training very serious...either one does train hard, or no at all. Huskies does it 5 times a kind of attitude! I have to see what happens, but it is the most possible solution right now, because this cannot go on!

And i am soooo looking forward to watch UIK again..those who waits for something black and yellow...never waits too long;)

But tomorrow it is Skellefteå, and the national soccerteam...perhaps i see you there ;)

Now i gotta go back to the couch, to rest my tired old bones ;)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Kamerad! Wo herstammt du!? (sic!)

Gotta get this thing moving. So i will try to at least write something everyday :)
At least you will know that i am alive..hahaha

Some time ago i at last got hold of Blümchens CD "Live in Berlin", the missing link in my collection of albums of freülain Wagner. German euro-techo never goes out of style!

Enough ranting! Listen to Syd Barretts soloalbums, relax. I do that, recomended.

2 more days before going to Skellefteå to watch Sweden - Belorussia. Right now it is me, Anna, Hanne and maaaaaybe Evelina. Looking forward to it very much.


Thursday, September 15, 2005


Been a while..again!

I had it updated a couple of days ago, but managed to erase typical of me.

But nothing much have happened since that anyway..except that UIK won with 7-1 over Sunnanå...great game it was! Next weekend i am going away to Skellefteå to watch Swden-Belorussia...that is going to be fun. And today i got my pay...i am rich...for a short while ;)

Gotta go now, i hope to be back unleash another of my incredible exciting contributions to the internet ;)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

This and that.

Been a while! When i work afternoons i am too beat to write after work..and to sleepy before...Any conclusions? Yes, i gotta get another job!

On the other hand, nothing much have really happened. Well, when i think about it, i spoke to Sofia today.Thas is always a pleasure. I phoned her! That is almost unheard of when it comes to my habits! I have not spoken to her in a month..horrible really. So we decided to make up to it tomorow..i am already looking forward to it :) She really lives too far away! I miss the times when she lived here, but what can i do? I have doen some research on visiting, but the results were really depressing. If i am do not take at least a day off, i have tops 1 ½ days to stay..and two days of travelling. There are very few disadvantages with living in Umeå, but this is certainly a BIG one!!!!!!!! I shall see what i can do, but right now i am looking forward to tomorrow..that is all that matters right now :)

Today was supposed to be a cleaning day, but as you can see (i am here;) ) it is not going too well. Still got some aftermath from fridays workout ;)

And, last but not least, UIK beat the crap out of KIF Örebro on thursday...2-7 speaks for itself really! Go girls, soon the gold is yours!