Friday, December 28, 2007

Quote of the day:

Today it is swedish by one of the goalies in IBK Dalen, Sara Svensson

"Sophia: Hörde något om att det var "hjärta och lunga" på träningen i onsdags. Vad innebär det?
Sara:Det innebär att Örjan och Lingon kan stå och titta på medan vi springer skiten ur oss…"

I just can say this: "i know the feeling".

And i have a wicked sense of humour ;)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Today is the day

Merry x-mas/Yule/Solstice etc etc to all of you.

I will spend the day watching movies, eating and drinking.

So, have a happy holiday :)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

In the works...

Just want to say that i have been very busy preparing for the holidays (well, the few days that i have), that is why there have been very little progress here. But like the one who waits for the rising of R`lyeh, you never wait too long ;)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cthulhu for president 2008 !

As a devout follower of The Great Old One i cannot let this slip. Join us !
Why vote for a lesser evil ?

"Are you tired of partisan rhetoric and lying, devious executives who can't keep true to what they claimed they would do on the campaign trail? Then come 2008, vote for the one candidate who doesn't flip-flop: The Lord of the Abyss, King of Despair and Master of Carnage, Great Cthulhu.

Cthulhu has one goal: the complete destruction of all existence, and you can be sure he won't cut-and-run until nothing is left. Mission accomplished. Cthulhu supports compromise on a variety of issues.

Abortion? To please the right, Cthulhu supports the nation-wide banning of abortion. However, for those who want their right to choose, a government initiative will be set up: In the place of an abortion Cthulhu will eat your unborn baby. (Note: Baby consumption may be mandatory)
For the war in Iraq? Against it? Cthulhu will lash out with his infinite tendrils and eradicate all life in the Middle-East. The war on terror is won, and we get to bring our troops back home (those that escape before said eradication).

All in all, you can't afford not to vote for Cthulhu. Because if you don't, you'll be the first to be fed to him once he takes power.

Just kidding! We'll all be first. "

Here is Great Cthulhus political platform:

IÆ! IÆ! Cthulhu f`tagn !

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Still alive..

New computer and i have not had the time.

But do not give up on me ;)