I had the day off today, great! Woke up early because i had a terrible cramp in my right leg...how typical ;)
So, had good time for breakfast before going to workout, which went quite well...a little bit over par..but what the heck..gotta be like that sometimes to :)
Went home, to check the mail and stuff...and then downtown again to watch UIK vs Mallbacken...i´ve been looking forward to it since..well, last game actually. Offcourse UIK won, 6-1 this time..but it could have been more. BUT, this is important, it was not a game against one goal..Mallbacken at least tried to play, and did not go defensive at all...kudos for that! The worst thing there is when teams back home and creates a meatwall..so boring. Womenfootball is really going forward...much changes and much better since last season.
And most important of all, Odjurgården/Älvsjö beat Malmö FF..which means that UIK is in the lead..soon the gold will be home where it belongs..on Östra Idrottsallén in Umeå!
Enough football for now, i got the movie "Der Untergang" in the mail today...i am really looking forward to see it. I did not get to see it when it was on cinema this spring, so friday will be the day for it...at last! My interest in the second world war only seems to get deeper and deeper for each year. Got LOTS of books and DVDs..some feeble morons thinks that i have right-wing sympathties...oooh, he is interested in that, he be must be a nazi! It is them that are the true nazis. I have nothing but dispise for socialists and communists due to their narrowmindedness. In their little world everyone can think what they want, as long as they think as they do. Embarrassing and hypocritical, to say the least.
End of politics, and todays blogg.
And remember: THINK!
sorry that i cant talk to u in icq so often like before.. coz my icq is having troubles... do u have msn ?
by the way :P im doris, yong
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